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Debate Score:5
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 What's more important? Shaming NC for protecting woman's privacy or shaming absent dads? (3)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

What's more important? Shaming NC for protecting woman's privacy or shaming absent dads?

If you had a priority, which would it be...... shaming North Carolina for trying to protect a woman's privacy from men calling themselves women going into her locker room? Or shaming dead beat Fathers who abandon their chidren.
Which issue do you think deserves more attention?
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I always forget that FromWithin believes people can't hold two opinions simultaneously.

Heh, even Trump said the law was a stupid idea.

1 point

This explains perfectly why I am an independent. I remember when conservatives spoke against government overreach and when liberals spoke out against the people. Now everything is backwards.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

I rather enjoy the cyclical nature of it all. Conservatives and Liberals do their funny little dance, replete with role reversal and copious foot stomping.

1 point

I rather enjoy the cyclical nature of it all. Conservatives and Liberals do their funny little dance, replete with role reversal and copious foot stomping

Real conservatives at most tend to obsess over bedrooms and bathrooms, not locker rooms. FromWithin has never been a republican politician, so he is unaware of what conservatives are like.