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 What's your favorite kind of chips? (13)

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sonic123(330) pic

What's your favorite kind of chips?



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3 points

Lays or Ruffels with french onion dip .

2 points

Stop it, you're making me hungry .

My favorite chips are Doritos the Spicy Sweet Chili kind man those are good!

2 points

Hawaiian sweet onion kettle chips! Yummy !

1 point

Fritos and Doritos .

1 point

Lays BBQ or Pringles. All chips are good to me. :3 But the hard crispy ones suck...

1 point

true that is so true!!!!!!!! :3 indeed! all chips are good as long as they are snacks and crunchy!

1 point

Theses are my favorite kind of chips:Lays,Cheetos,Ruffles,and Fritos

1 point

I choose the chips in the tube! I am not allowed to say their name one more time, or I will be tracked down and assassinated.

Nacho Cheese Doritos. I can eat a massive amount of Doritos which feeling ill.

Computer chips . ;)

Buffalo Ranch Doritos

Lay's Original Kettle Chips are my favorite because each chip has weight to it and more taste than conventional potato chips.