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 What should we do with ground zero? (12)

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JakeJ(3255) pic

What should we do with ground zero?

Rebuild the twin towers? Some other crap? What? 

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4 points

I say rebuild the twin towers just the way they where.

Or even taller, maybe a third tower just to piss the terrorists off.

I just don't like this crap.

Supporting Evidence: Twin Towers Alliance (
Side: Rebuild the towers

Possibly for the first time I completely agree with Jake on this one. What better way to say F U to those who blew up those building than to completely rebuild the twin towers bigger, better and stronger.

Side: Rebuild the towers
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

I don't think pissing people off is a really good way to promote peace.

Side: Rebuild the towers

The drawings you speak of are beautiful and will replace the towers nicely. I don't understand why you would want them the way they were or taller just to piss off the terrorists! No major city needs buildings that big and Manhattan is better looking now that those gargantuan buildings are gone from the skyline. Why taunt people who have no regard for us or our lives? No one made them smaller because we're afraid of these people. They're going to be a grand addition to Manhattan once they're built.

Side: Build what is fitting
4 points

"Why taunt people who have no regard for us or our lives? "

Because we are American and not afraid of them. We do things our way in our country and if you allow terrorism to sway your opinions to the cautious side then terrorism has succeeded in affecting you which was it's intended goal.

Side: Rebuild the towers
2 points

It was not meant in that way jc. It's a reply to what Jake wrote. He would just like to piss them off by building it higher! Build it the way you wish just NOT because of anything to do with them.

Side: Rebuild the towers
1 point

I could easily see the NYC skyline looking very nice with new towers and I hope to see them once they open. Maybe, I'll actually go into the city, or maybe I'll just go to Atlantic Highlands, NJ. Beautiful look over the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook. I went there on 9/11 after the towers had fallen. Very sad seeing all of the smoke. :(

But I would prefer the new towers because their aim is to honor those who died that day and show that we will not give up without a fight. Rebuilding the same things would only show the terrorists that they really pissed us off and now we have to waste time by redoing what was done already.

Side: Build what is fitting
1 point

I think they should "move on" and build something else there. Heck, how about a park!? NY needs more parks! Make it a memorial park. ...but with no headstones...but maybe a wall or dedicated benches, trees, grass... pandas... tigers...etc...haha.. ya get my point.

Side: Build what is fitting