
Debate Info

Buy the actual movie Buy the bootleg of the movie
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 Buy the actual movie (10)
 Buy the bootleg of the movie (1)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

When it comes to buying a movie what do you do?


Buy the actual movie

Side Score: 19

Buy the bootleg of the movie

Side Score: 2
4 points

Buy the dvd online from !

Side: Buy the actual movie

Lol that is what I do a lot.

Side: Buy the actual movie
2 points

If it's any good, send it to me. ;)

Side: Buy the actual movie
3 points

Well I've never bought a bootleg and I've only bought a few dvd's... once I've seen the movie the first time, that's usually enough for me... with a few exceptions.

Side: Buy the actual movie
3 points

I will buy the movie, but usually after it has been out long enough to be lower in price. Only exception is if it was a movie I really wanted to see and missed it at the theater, then I'll buy it shortly after release.

Side: Buy the actual movie

Since I own very few movies, the best to buy the actual movie, and I don't buy it right when it comes out, I usually wait except when BTTF came out.

Side: Buy the actual movie
1 point

We get the originals for quite cheap here. N they are also realized quite soon... So there isn't much problem.

Side: Buy the actual movie
1 point

I only buy movies if I really liked them and want to save a copy to watch again. I get the originals no bootleg

Side: Buy the actual movie
1 point

I request the movie I want to see and then after have i watch it I turn it back

Side: Borrow from the library

I purchase the Blu-ray edition at the store or through Amazon.

Side: Buy the actual movie
2 points

Why would I buy a bootleg movie? that's stupid - I download them for free. gotta wait a bit tho' when a movie comes out brand new - all I can download is some Russian or Ukraine version with people standing up in the movie theatre. But after awhile - get the good copy.

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Side: Buy the bootleg of the movie