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When the baby is born. As soon as possible.
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 When the baby is born. (6)
 As soon as possible. (3)

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cornwells(6) pic

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When should we find out if our baby will be a boy or a girl?

My wife and I are disagree when we should find out if our child will be a boy or a girl. We thought it would be fun to know what others may think about the issue. Waiting until the baby is born would great much excitement. However, it would leave us less prepared. Knowing as soon as possible would give us time to prepare. However, it would take away from the anticipation.

When the baby is born.

Side Score: 11
Winning Side!

As soon as possible.

Side Score: 7
4 points

In this helter-skelter world where every aspect of our lives is programmed to the -nth degree, how refreshing it would be to actually have something to anticipate about addition of a new family member, and to relish in the joy of the unknown. Imagine the reaction of friends and family in the waiting room when you come out to make the big announcement of boy or girl. If it truly doesn't matter to the both of you if you have a boy or girl, and as you say, friends can get the nursery ready at a moment's notice, why find out before the little child makes his/her appearance?

Side: When the baby is born.
2 points

I think it would be so exciting to wait until the baby is born. I have told Stephanie that she can pick out both colors of paint for the nursery and I will have them ready. Our friends have volunteered to help me get the nursery painted as soon as the he or she is born.

The delivery day is so exciting and I could not even imagine the excitement of not knowing.

Side: When the baby is born.

I can't really speak from experience, but I think it'd be so exciting to find out after the baby is born. Like they say in "Juno," it's not like the child's going to come in and demand a gender-biased lifestyle. You have plenty of time to prepare for the child's older days after the kid comes around.

Side: When the baby is born.
1 point

What's the point in knowing the gender so soon? I can understand finding out a few weeks ahead of time so you can plan a nursery and get appropriate clothes and toys, but "as soon as possible"? Just never made sense to me.

Same thing with early pregnancy tests. Why do we need to find out SO desperately before the missed period? If you're unsure, just have sex again just in case! :D It's a win-win.

Side: When the baby is born.

I've never seen a reason to find out before hand whether the baby is a boy or a girl. If it simply a matter of choosing colors for clothing or a room, go neutral and you can't go wrong. To associate a boy with blue and a girl with pink has become a bit ridiculous since there are so many other colors to choose from. I'd like the element of surprise and gratitude that I'm having a healthy baby, no matter what the sex!

Side: When the baby is born.
1 point

My parents waited till my brother & I were actually out to see what was happening down below.

Why not wait for the surprise?

Side: When the baby is born.
3 points

Surprises are wonderful and yes finding out at birth is great. But it's still a surprise when you find out at the ultrasound! Personally I like to plan for a boy or a girl. Boys wear green or blue and girls are pink and purple. Yellow and Pale green look AWFUL on babies. You know you will need to plan differently if it's a girl. Hand-me-downs from the boy who is not allowed to wear pink is not going to work! I talked to all of my babies in my belly and called them by name.

Side: As soon as possible.
3 points

For practical purposes, doesn't it make sense to know as soon as possible? That way you can set up your baby's room appropriately and pick better stuff for the baby registry.

Side: As soon as possible.

I'm the kind of person that hates surprises. I even search for my X-mas presents and try to open them early ;)

Side: As soon as possible.