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 Where to stick a space port? (1)

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MuckaMcCaw(1970) pic

Where to stick a space port?

50 years from now, aliens have made peaceful contact with Earth, and economic activity between the worlds is now happening. To fascilitate transfer of goods, and travel, a space port will be built somewhere on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system. Where should we put it?

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The moon seems like an obvious choice. We've had the capability to ferry materials to and from the moon for decades now, and I imagine that will become cheaper and more efficient as time goes by. The moon receives sunlight at predictable intervals for power collection, represents a significant amount of real estate that can be expanded as needed, and has very low gravity which I imagine would be beneficial for transferring large amounts of cargo.

Keeping most traffic to the moon would also minimize the amount of pollution we import from other civilizations, and a 'customs' stop on the moon seems like a great way to screen potential cargo for toxins, alien pathogens, etc. Find them before there is even the possibility of causing a pandemic on earth!