
Debate Info

Comic Adaptations Graphic Novel Adaptations
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Comic Adaptations (3)
 Graphic Novel Adaptations (5)

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ThePyg(6738) pic

Which have you liked more so far

I'm talking about the movie versions.  Which did you like more?





Dare Devil

The Incredible Hulk

Fantastic Four




Men In Black

Ghost Busters

The Spirit

Iron Man


Graphic Novels:


Sin City



yeah, not that many movie adaptations i can name for GN.


Comic Adaptations

Side Score: 5

Graphic Novel Adaptations

Side Score: 6
3 points

Only, only because of "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight"

Have I posted on this side. Because 300 and Sin City beat every other movie hands down.

I have not seen Watchmen yet, and if it's half as cool as the GN, it may well tip the scale the other way.

But, I thought that "Graphic Novel" and "Comic," were kind of the same thing? What's the difference?

And 300 was a GN?

Side: Comic Adaptations
1 point

comic is to graphic novel as a newspaper is to a yearly review

Side: Comic Adaptations
1 point

Graphic novels are basically books but done comic style.

comic books are really short, like magazines and are usually a saga that goes on.

GN is like a movie, CB is like a show.

Side: Graphic Novel Adaptations
1 point

I like each one but I like more comic adaptations, so i guess that where my vote sticks

Side: Comic Adaptations
1 point

300 and Sin City are one of my most favorite movies.

So i like the Graphic Novel Adaptations more.

although, i also love Men In Black.

Side: Graphic Novel Adaptations
2 points

Men In Black was a great movie. I love the end when the camera pulls away and our galaxy is a marble in the tentacle of an alien.

Side: Graphic Novel Adaptations
1 point

Sin City was a fantastic flick, if Watchmen is anywhere near as good as it looks it is going to drop a good poundage on the scale for GN. The Punisher and Batman were good movies.

Side: Graphic Novel Adaptations
1 point

A lot of the comic book movies were really good, but basing it on my favorite movie of them all, I'd easily say Sin City. I absolutely loved that movie and I want to see it again, but it's my brother's and he took it to his apartment. I need to get another copy.

Side: Graphic Novel Adaptations