
Debate Info

A party celebrating your life Serious, mourning your death
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:22
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 A party celebrating your life (10)
 Serious, mourning your death (4)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

Which is the better furneral? Or which one do you want yours to be like?

A party celebrating your life

Side Score: 14

Serious, mourning your death

Side Score: 5

My dad was cremated so we didn't really have a funeral but what we did do was have all the family come over and rather than all of us moping around feeling depressed we talked about how great my dad was and all the things he did in his life. Everyone was having a great time remembering him and talking about the fun times. We all laughed and cried together and it was better than any funeral I have every been to.

Side: A party celebrating your life

Well it actually depends, but ill just put my argument over here because i think that MOST of the time a funeral should be celebrating your life. If it was an atheist family having a funeral for either an atheist or Christian, they would celebrate their life, because they don't believe in heaven or hell. If it was a Christian family having a funeral for a Christian, they would celebrate their life, and the fact that they went to a better place, but if it was for an atheist they would mourn them. I have a Christian view so i would have a sad funeral for everyone except another Christian, but not all people have my views, so it would really depend on your beliefs. So i think 75% of the time it WOULD be a celebration of their life, but i think only 25% of the time it should.

Side: A party celebrating your life
1 point

Personally I would love to be cremated and either shot into space (crazy dream) or planted into a garden. I also think the people at my FUNeral should just have a big party.

Side: A party celebrating your life
1 point

to be sad that the person died because that person is going to start there real lifes in eternity. If you celebrate and have a party for the person that is dead that means that you are happy that the person died and it not here. That is how a funeral is suppose to be with people crying and sad the person died.

Side: Serious, mourning your death
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

Not everyone believes in that though. And even if they do, why do you have to be sad about it?

The other side isn't happy because they're dead, but happy that they lived. Celebrate that they got the chance to live. And if you want, be happy that they're moving on to a better place.

Side: A party celebrating your life
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

And if you want be happy that they're moving onto a better place.

If they didn't believe in Jesus no they are not going to a better place because they are going to hell if they didn't believe.

I was sad when my grandpa died because I didn't know when and why God had to take him to heaven. Everyone at his funeral was crying no one was laughing and happy. Why would somone be happy when someone died. That makes no sense at all.

Side: Serious, mourning your death
GrammarNazi(4) Disputed
1 point


This is my debut on this website. An explanation of my purpose is in my profile.

Now to business:

to be sad that the person died because that person is going to start there real lifes in eternity.

1) Always capitalize at the beginning of every sentence.

2) Use "their", not "there".

3) When you have a contraction, put in an apostrophe. Your mistake: lifes Correction: life's

4) This is a fragment.

If you celebrate and have a party for the person that is dead that means that you are happy that the person died and it not here.

1) You should use commas to make sure you can breath when reading this aloud; this is a run-on sentence.

2) Mistake: "...that the person died and it not here." Correction: "...that the person died and is not here."

That is how a funeral is suppose to be with people crying and sad the person died.

1) Mistake: "That is how a funeral is suppose to be..." Correction: "That is how a funeral is supposed to be..."

2) Put a comma in between "be" and "with"; they are two different clauses.

3) Insert the word "that" in between "sad" and "the".

I am not saying you are a bad debater; you might be a good one or a bad one. What I am doing is trying to help you improve on your grammar, because, with good grammar, one can post easy-to-follow arguments that are direct and effective. Plus, I'm OCD over all of the grammatical errors that are seen on this website.


Side: A party celebrating your life

Hahahaha, I think I love you ;)

Side: A party celebrating your life
TheThinker(1688) Disputed
1 point

I do appreciate your comment on helping somebody with their grammar. However, im going to downvote you because your comment didn't dispute his arguement.

You don't have to read the following comment. This is my arguement to this debate. I rather celebrate if somebody dies in my family. People hate me for laughing at 9/11. I find it sad. But i find it funny as well. Judge me if you want to, im trying to be honest with you guys. And the reason why i laugh at any bad thing is because i don't want to cry.

What would you rather do? Laugh or cry. I don't want to feel pain. I rather feel enjoyment.

You can still laugh and show your respect.

Side: Serious, mourning your death

Although this type isn't uplifting, I believe it may be more cathartic to people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. If you plaster over the loss too much with a celebratory spirit, it wont allow the people attending the funeral to let out their emotions. That being said, I also don't think it's healthy for people to dwell on negative emotions, so it shouldn't intentionally cause people to feel sadness more than what they are already experiencing.

Side: Serious, mourning your death