
Debate Info

Dude... pass the Cheetos I'm drunk but you're ugly
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Dude... pass the Cheetos (2)
 I'm drunk but you're ugly (4)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Which is worse in the eyes of God for Christians to do: Smoke pot or Drink Alcohol?

Dude... pass the Cheetos

Side Score: 3

I'm drunk but you're ugly

Side Score: 5
2 points

Supposedly, some burning grass got a dude so high that he ascended to heaven, spoke to god, then made the 10 commandments.

Jesus changed wine into blood, so god must hate alcohol.

Side: Dude... pass the Cheetos
2 points

They are both the same. That is why Jesus is so great. No matter what sign you choose, be it smoking pot drinking alcohol or raping children, you don't have to feel guilty as long as you accept Jesus as your savour. Its definitely the religion of choice.

Side: I'm drunk but you're ugly
Atrag(5666) Clarified
2 points

Urg its been up voting and now I cant change it :/ I meant 'sin' not 'sign'.

Side: Dude... pass the Cheetos
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

upvoted .Damn it.

Side: Dude... pass the Cheetos
1 point

Amen. Telling a little white lie or murdering is the same in God's eyes: sin. It's like a big bear and a small bear. They are both bears. Like Atrag said, it's definitely the religion of choice.

Side: I'm drunk but you're ugly
1 point

Smoking pot is supposed to be worse right?

Does the bible say anyone smoked pot? It tells of lots of alcohols. I mean one of Jesus' favorite party tricks made alcohol. No one showed any weed making powers.

Side: I'm drunk but you're ugly
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Did you read the graphic?

Side: Dude... pass the Cheetos
DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

Yes.... it was irrelevant, and if it were taken into account it'd be false on so many accounts.

Side: I'm drunk but you're ugly