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 Who created anything??? (5)

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SweetBonBon(6) pic

Who created anything???

As everyone has seen people are always fighting about how God is real or god isn't. Or God created man or no man created God. Well either way if God is real then you do have to question how created God if it truly was God that created man. And if man was the creater of God then who created man. These are the real questions that you need to ask and this is why i came here. I need perspectives. What do you think? Why do you think that? Do you have any evidence that what you say is true? 

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1 point

With everything stated and asked, you will eventually question everything. you have begun to question your very own existence. the real question is what started it all if was not God nor Man? if you bring in scientific logic that will also be questionable for what created the many elements that W/we know today? the question then becomes the question itself. what is truth and what are lies and is everything W/we have been thought right or wrong? who is the true creator? what proof can you show that your answer is correct?

1 point

With this you should be asking, is there a god? For that question science says no and religion says yes. It comes down to a he said she said situation. Personally I do not believe there is a all knowing all powerful entity. The Christians are wrong in their claims that the world was created 5,000 years ago. While the Muslims pray to an asteroid, it is possible that they may have thought that this was from a being of extraterrestrial origin. It all comes down to belief.

1 point

Everything in the worl shows exictence of the God. How do you think when thousands of people in village didn't see moon at night, and ten people saw, whos argument will be stronger? Resasons of not seeing are very much, someone coudn not see because of clouds, someone have weak eyes sight and etc.. but some people have seen, so there was moon.. and just think billions of holly people, who don't lie..will they lie about God.. If we look for harmony in the world, it can not be coincidence..

1 point

Just simple example: Postmans with brain(mind) carrying mails can bring mail wrong address..but just see our organisms.. everything inside us goes right way..millions of minerals,vitamins,enzymes goes right way..

This is a perplexing question. Since no one was around to witness the creation of the world, I could only say, "I don't know."