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RSS Pacis

Reward Points:4
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

With this you should be asking, is there a god? For that question science says no and religion says yes. It comes down to a he said she said situation. Personally I do not believe there is a all knowing all powerful entity. The Christians are wrong in their claims that the world was created 5,000 years ago. While the Muslims pray to an asteroid, it is possible that they may have thought that this was from a being of extraterrestrial origin. It all comes down to belief.

2 points

do you wish to know why "red countries" don't allow the Internet and other luxuries? that because they are not communist! they have dictators in a truly communistic society there is no leader the people lead with no figurehead. People like you who claim that there are many communistic countries need to brush up on your history, as well as what communism is.

1 point

to make up the protein in a steak one would need to eat a large amount of beans. So while a vegetarian diet has its ups it also has its downs. Not to mention the strain on a person who constantly needs to avoid eating food that has meat. Overall it is key to have a well balanced diet not solely meat and not solely vegetarian. We are made to be omnivores so we should be.

3 points

Have you even payed attention to what communism is?

There has never been a purely communistic society in history, and its very probable that there never will be. You are beginning to sound like McCarthy.

1 point

with out knowledge how would we know how to do anything? without the knowledge of speech and language would we still be apes? experience is key i will not deny that, however without a base knowledge how can anything be accomplished. if you were to send a McDonald's worker with 30 years of experience into say... a home depot, are they going to be able to provide the same amount of help that a sales associate would?

1 point

I care to disagree with you statements completely, i am currently a high school student with a 4.12 GPA and i could care less about school. I go because the law forces me to, i have no history in my family of mathematics and yet i excel in it. as for your point on which "smart" people devote time and effort to school is purely and fundamentally wrong.

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