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 Who do you think is the most immature person on this website? (4)

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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Who do you think is the most immature person on this website?

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2 points

The person who deserves the title of most immature knows who they are, and if they do not; they certainly do not deserve to have a degrading debate made to emphasize their lack of maturity.

Side: Look in the mirror
2 points

Ladies. Gentlemen.

I offer you one argument: Poop.

And now, I bid you adieu.

Side: Look in the mirror
2 points

no one...coz its a community of geniuses...

I admit i am one ;) ;)

Side: Look in the mirror
1 point

While your "poop" comment is immature and a valient try Warlin,

That one dude screaming "fag" all the time gets the medal. I refuse to give him more of the negative attention he so craves, but everyone knows who he is.

Side: Look in the mirror