
Debate Info


John Dicks (D)

Gus Bilirakis (R)

Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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John Dicks (D)
Gus Bilirakis (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Florida 9th District House of Representatives Race?

John Dicks (D)

Side Score: 4

Gus Bilirakis (R)

Side Score: 5
1 point

An article in the St. Petersburg Times, Tampa Bay section endorsed John Dicks as the candidate for change in Iraq this month. The article cited Dicks as an anise to the incumbent Bilirakis's ineffective partisan methods on the hill with regard to Iraq expenditure and relaxing oil bans off Florida's coast. Because Florida's economy depends heavily on beach traffic and the tourist trade, many Floridians are up-in-arms with regard to relaxing any ban on oil drilling on the coast.

From the Times:

The Florida native [Dicks] has the best grasp of the issues. His plans to reduce federal spending, expand health insurance and increase America's energy independence are the right priorities for the nation and the district. Dicks opposes relaxing the ban on oil drilling off Florida's Gulf Coast. He favors shifting the Bush tax cuts from the wealthiest to the middle class when the cuts expire in 2010.

For the full statement on environmental energy and resources, click:

Side: Environment
1 point

Democratic Congressional Candidate for Florida’s 9th District John Dicks actually has answers and plans to questions and concerns many voters across the United States have. Majority of the members of Congress give the diagnosis of what the United States has but never a treatment.

On the issue of taxes Mr. Dicks states, “Congress should conduct a comprehensive review and revision of the entire tax code, similar to that which was done in 1986,” and later adds, “Congress should eliminate special interest tax loopholes while ensuring that middle-class Americans are not being penalized for their success and increased income or being subjected to the application of outdated programs such as the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

However, the matter of privatization of Social Security is discussed but briefly and he is opposed but does not go into detail why he is against this proposal. Voters should know why Mr. Dicks is not for this bill and should disclose information for or against this issue.

Mr. Dicks has a lot of endorsements from many Council members, State Senators, Mayors and publications.

Side: John Dicks
1 point

The recent signing of the new GI bill into a law by President Bush marks the beginning for many vets returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan who are looking to continue their education.

Dicks cites the fact that Gus Bilirakis voted against the bill in Congress as proof of Bilirakis lack of commitment to veteran aid.

Dicks: "We just had a new GI Bill that passed in Congress, my opponent voted against it. I'm amazed at that...The new GI bill will provide educational opportunities for the 21st century to make certain that they will be able to continue their studies."

Supporting Evidence: John Dicks supports American vets returning from Iraq (
Side: John Dicks
1 point

Dicks makes the argument that Florida's 9th district needs to be fed labor via legal immigration methods in order to keep farms in migrant labor during the harvest season. He also says that he believes in respecting America's history as a nation of immigrants and does not want to deter those who would become legal citizens, paying taxes and observing laws.

However, says Dicks, the rampant infiltration of illegal immigrants must cease in order to stabilize wages for the middle class and help Americans secure well-paying work.

Dicks: "The point of the matter is the people that are here, we need to develop a system where they can become citizens, but that doesn't mean that they get to jump to the front of the line."

Supporting Evidence: Dicks on illegal immigration (
Side: John Dicks
2 points

Republican Congressman of Florida’s 9th District Gus Bilirakis has introduced thirty-one pieces of legislation and most of the bills introduced into the legislature have been on foreign policy matters. It is no doubt that Rep. Bilirakis is well informed on many international issues since he is a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Subcommittees: Middle East and South Asia; Europe. House Committee on Homeland Security; Subcommittees: Border, Maritime, & Global Counterterrorism; Transportation Security & Infrastructure Protection. House Committee on Veterans Affairs; Subcommittees: Disability Assistance & Memorial Affairs.

The most recent passed international bill was on October 9th, 2007 entitled: H.RES.405, which expresses the strong support of the House of Representatives for implementation of the July 8, 2006, United Nations-brokered agreement between President of the Republic of Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat relating to the reunification of Cyprus.

Also with respect to the United States Armed Forces he is the Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee Veterans’ Affairs Task Force, Co-Chair of the Congressional Military Veterans Caucus and Congressional Award Board of Directors.

Supporting Evidence: Bills Authored by Mr. Bilirakis (
Gus Bilirakis (R)
1 point

Congressman Bilirakis has voted against the Wall Street bailout both times as seen here and here, but probably only as a result of having his constituents pressure him to do this which they should continue to do on all issues. Based on the voting behavior of each party, replacing him with a liberal Democrat is more likely to worsen this district's problems rather than solve them.

Gus Bilirakis (R)
0 points

BAmerica managed to get some vital legislation passed through the House last month. Dubbed the "Waters Act", legislation HR 2490 on Immigration reform will require the Secretary of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Coastguard, to create a program for the maritime mobile biometric identification of illegal immigrants attempting to enter the US. This would be quite a coup for Homeland Security as nearly a quarter of a million immigrants have entered the US illegally since 1982.

After the legislation was passed last month, Congressman Bilirakis issued this statement:

“With over 12,000 miles of coastline in the continental United States, securing our waterways is integral in securing the homeland. As the southwest border fence makes land crossing more difficult, smugglers and potential terrorists will look for other ways to enter the United States. We must stay ahead of the curve. Implementing a biometric tracking system for maritime interdiction's is a crucial step forward in securing our border. Coast Guard personnel are the best in the world and this bill will give them another tool in their mission to protect and defend America’s waterways.”

Supporting Evidence: H.R. 2490 "WATERS Act"-passed legislation and voting stats (
Side: Immigration
0 points

Although Bilirakis' stances on Iraq and the Patriot Act don't go along with Americans' wishes and he endorses McCain, voting for John Dicks probably wouldn't be any better for our national security. On his website page that addresses this issue, rather than just saying he would work to abolish FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (the ideal thing to do since they amount to wasteful spending), Dicks hints that they are capable of "operat[ing] efficiently and effectively".

Gus Bilirakis (R)