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RSS Amoran3

Reward Points:160
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is quite amazing to see when someone gives a supposed patriotic speech they somehow know what’s best. The video below shows exactly that:

Cowards Cut and Run but Marines Never Do.
1 point

Unfortunately, and to no surprise, the Republican and Democrat in the race are one in the same. David Krikorian, the Independent candidate, is a clear choice over these two.

The Republican Congressional Candidate for Ohio's second district Jean Schmidt has done a lot of hard work since becoming a Congresswoman however, unfortunately; once again, Rep. Schmidt has sponsored a lot of bills that did not benefit her constituents.

For example, her latest bill H.CON.RES.50: Calling on the Government of Venezuela to uphold the human rights and civil liberties of the people of Venezuela or H.CON.RES.136: Expressing the sense of Congress regarding high level visits to the United States by democratically-elected officials of Taiwan.

Susan B. Anthony Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. H.R. 7016
1 point

A typical Constitutional point of view: non-intervention (for the most part), don’t look for dragons to slay, don’t get involved in other people’s business, bring our troops home from all over the world and the great list goes on.

However, “Iran must not be allowed to create a nuclear arsenal. They have threatened America and our allies repeatedly. Considering Iran's history of sponsoring terrorism, any threat they make must be taken seriously. We must prevent Iran from obtaining weapons that could allow them to make good on those threats,” frightens me once again. Why can’t another nation develop nuclear weapons? We have, other nations have, why can’t Iran?

"The Campaign to Watch."
1 point

From his Wikipedia page:

“Krikorian began his career right out of college working as a Financial Analyst for Fidelity Investments in Boston. Fidelity later transferred him to Cincinnati, Ohio to open their regional offices in Northern Kentucky. While working for Fidelity, Krikorian earned his MBA from the University of Cincinnati.

Shortly after receiving his MBA, he accepted a position with Deloitte and Touche as a Management Consultant where he worked on large-scale information technology projects at major corporations around the country.

Krikorian become a Vice President and General Manager at Cincinnati Bell where he led a Corporate Solutions division of over 50 information technology and business professionals. He was also the Director Of Strategic Planning helping to set strategy for the company, evaluating acquisition targets and meeting with investment bankers.

In 2000, Krikorian left Cincinnati Bell and founded DataSuites, a Cincinnati-based information technology infrastructure company, offering data center facilities to some of the city's largest corporations.

In 2003, he sold DataSuites to a larger Cincinnati-based information technology company and moved on to found Parody Productions, which has become a multi-million dollar novelty publishing business, whose customer base numbers in the thousands. Parody, located in Cincinnati, does business with large corporations, as well as, small independent retailers.”

1 point

"To lower inflation, we must raise the value of our dollar. A strong dollar means a strong economy. A strong dollar also means lower gas prices. We can accomplish this by cutting our federal spending and instructing our Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. The Federal Reserve must also stop recklessly increasing our money supply which, in turn, makes each of our dollars worth less and everything we buy cost more. The Federal Reserve is a private bank, run by unelected officials, who should be required to act in the best interests of the people."

This statement is reason enough to vote this man to Ohio’s Second Congressional District. Independent candidate David Krikorian is one of the “Dr. Paul” candidates who strictly adhere to the United States Constitution.

Krikorian Common Sense
1 point

Even though I'm not a supporter of either candidate, at least Senator John McCain tried to get legislation through to have some oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

2 points

How come no one ever discusses his ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when he was a lawyer promoting Government to give loans out to people who couldn't afford them? Giving loans out to people with little or not credit. Obama is a fraud and should never be trusted.

0 points

None of the above.

-2 points
2 points

"For the last twenty-four hours headline news have been the New Yorker front cover" but not the recent passing of the FISA Bill Amendments Act of 2008 or the HCON Res 362, which is a blockade and sanctions against Iran.

Mr. Obama had flip-flopped and actually voted for the FISA Amendments, which would give past, present and future immunity to telecommunications companies of wiretapping citizens of the United States, both foreign and domestic. This is unconstitutional and strictly goes against the fourth amendment

About Me

"I am a Libertarian-Conservative, which used to be part of the Republican Party. Right now the only true Republican in Congress is Ron Paul, whom I support whole-heartedly."

Biographical Information
Name: Andrew Moran
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: Canada
Religion: Atheist
Education: In College
Websites: Washington Herald
Crucial Politics

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