
Debate Info


Colleen Callahan (D)

Aaron Schock (R)

Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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Colleen Callahan (D)
Aaron Schock (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Illinois 18th District House of Representatives Race?

Colleen Callahan (D)

Side Score: 4

Aaron Schock (R)

Side Score: 6
1 point

As a supporter of the 25x25 Recommendations for a Clean and Secure U.S. Energy Future, which is designed to implement 25% renewable energy by 2025, Callahan is pro-incentives for ethanol reduction, greenhouse gas emission reduction nationwide and investment in energy initiatives including the capture and geologic storage of CO2, which, she believes will "help the American coal industry and biofuel industry become competitive in a low-carbon economy."

Callahan's supported measures say nothing of increased drilling or exploratory drilling off of the coast, but rather focus on future measures and green alternatives that Congress should focus on over the next two decades.

Callahan: "The time has come to construct and pass a comprehensive, long-term energy plan that will accelerate the production of all forms of renewable energy, create new renewable energy markets and deepen our commitment to conservation of natural resources, sustainability and protection of the environment.”

Supporting Evidence: Callahan supports 25x25 and a green future (
Side: Colleen Callahan
1 point

Callahan believes that the troops in Iraq have done their duty superbly and should now be able to return home. It is not our place, she says, to force our methods on Iraq. America should now leave the country to "develop their own democracy."

Callahan traveled to Iraq in 2003 at the invitation of Anne Veneman, USDA Secretary to experience the goings-on between America and the Middle East herself. The experience, she says, was "life changing". She believes that the billions and billions of dollars being absorbed abroad need to be brought back to the states and put into schools, health care and infrastructure.

Though Callahan considers any form of extremism and terrorism to be very serious, she says that our time in the Middle East has expired and now wants to put those funds back in the hands of the middle class to address their needs and concerns.

Supporting Evidence: Callahan says "pull out of Iraq!" (
Side: Colleen Callahan
0 points

Callahan has called for tax increases for big oil since January and cut the 18-cent per gallon federal gasoline tax to ease the economic squeeze caused by big oil. She also wants to stop the oil reserve rerouting by the Bush administration, which diverts 12,500 barrels of oil a day and feeds speculation.

Callahan believes that her proposed taxes for big oil will create approximately $12.5 billion a year for road construction and renewable fuel research.

From the Rockford Register Star: "This fuel crisis has hit all of us very hard, and there seems to be no relief in sight," Callahan said. "In central Illinois, we need our cars and trucks to get to our jobs, take our children to school or our families to the doctor. The automobile is not a luxury for us, it’s a necessity."

Supporting Evidence: Callahan for renewable energy (
Side: Colleen Callahan
2 points

Schock may be a great voice for the young people of Illinois by being single and only in his late twenties. He is sure to face an uphill challenge in helping his party keep this seat unless he can somehow paint Callahan as a hypocrite for claiming to be against the war in Iraq and yet accepting an invitation there just months after it started.

Aaron Schock (R)
1 point

Schock has out raised Callahan by a wide margin despite Callahan self funding to the tune of $50K. Despite spending ten time as much as Callahan he had almost double the cash on hand as of their last filing.

Supporting Evidence: fund raising (
Side: Aaron Schock
1 point

Aaron Schock is the ONLY candidate in the race that has any relevant experience. Aaron is a Conservative Republican with good values. He is 100% pro-life and pro-family. Even though he has such Conservative views, he can still work across the aisle. He will also be an advocate for young people. Furthermore, he will NEVER think it is a good idea for the draft, unlike his opponent Ms. Callahan. Ms. Callahan has said on the record at least twice that she favors the draft to rebuild our military. I find it ironic that she is a stalwart advocate against the war, but yet at the same time she wants to reinstate the draft. She is just another typical, flip-flopping liberal. Instead, Aaron has a better solution. He listens and fully agrees with the Generals on the ground, like General Petreas that has time and time again said the best military is a volunteer military. Sorry Colleen, young people will be voting in excessively high numbers this year, and we will NOT be voting for someone that favors reinstating the draft! The majority of young people in the 18th district, regardless of party, will be casting their vote for Aaron because he understands the issues that face our generation! Vote for Aaron!

Side: Aaron Schock
Naje(432) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps if you cited some examples in your argument, it would be more persuasive. Gen Petreaus has some very good credentials and did the job that he was instated to do well. But given the trials conducted earlier this year to decide if the surge and, indeed, the war in Iraq is in any way justifiable based on the sketchy reasoning given by Petreaus, Bush, Cheney, et al., one would have to say that the battle-hungry judgement of the current administration with regard to American casualties, diplomatic policy and the disregard for the safety of our troops is seriously flawed.

As to the issue of reinstating the draft, perhaps you should read Callahan's clarification of her statement here before giving people the impression that she wants to bring back a policy that hasn't been enacted since the early 1970's. Callahan says that she believes the American military does need restructuring and one way to do this is to require young Americans to do some sort of service to their country. That service, says Callahan, need not be with the armed forces, but it must be done with the betterment of our nation in mind.

Callahan's desire for a required
Side: Colleen Callahan
1 point

Congressman LaHood has supported the first and final versions of the Wall Street bailout bill, but this won't be a liability for Schock if voters end up blaming Democrats more for its passage. With his youth, he could probably convince many disenchanted voters in this district that he will give them a fresh start in standing up for their rights as taxpayers.

Aaron Schock (R)