
Debate Info


Jill Derby (D)

Dean Heller (R)

Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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Jill Derby (D)
Dean Heller (R)

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Who should I vote for in the 2008 Nevada 2nd District House of Representatives Race?

Jill Derby (D)

Side Score: 5

Dean Heller (R)

Side Score: 4
3 points

Congressman Heller will probably lose the support base Republicans often enjoy from social conservatives, including his fellow Mormons, due to his support for stem cell research just days after coming to office. This rematch is still in his favor, but Derby can dramatically change the outlook if she manages to associate him with Nevada's unpopular governor.

Jill Derby (D)
1 point

Jill Derby (D) has released an energy plan, which embraces offshore drilling, as she continues to court Democratic and Independent votes in the 2nd District of Nevada.

"America needs real solutions to our growing energy crisis. My energy plan calls for activating all our resources to end our dependence on foreign oil through new drilling and the investment of all new drilling revenues into renewable energy development. This means greater national security, cleaner environment, and new jobs for Nevada," she claims.

The Derby Energy Plan puts the primary responsibility of when and where offshore drilling will take place in the hands of the American people, ie. voters, scientists, etc., rather than the oil companies. Her plan allocates 100% of the revenue from the offshore drilling sites to fund clean, alternative, renewable initiatives. "Curbing" the speculative energy market that (some believe) is partially to blame for the gas price hike. She wants to terminate the tax cuts given to oil companies and appoint a bi-partisan 21st Century Energy Commission to research, legislate, and carry forth the clean energy program into the future while remaining relevant and directly involved in the real issues.

Supporting Evidence: Derby Energy Plan (
Side: Derby Energy Plan
1 point

Democratic Congressional Candidate for Nevada's 2nd District discusses energy, health care and fiscal responsibility in-depth.

Derby Discussion
Side: Jill Derby
1 point

One of the two most overlooked issues pressing the United States and should be on top floor debate on Capitol Hill: Taxes and Social Security. Right now Social Security is going bankrupt because through the 90s the Clinton Administration kept dipping into the fund to pay off the debt and act like the U.S. had a surplus.

Republican Congressman of Nevada’s 2nd District Dean Heller realizes that illegal immigrants do not help the social security crisis facing the nation, “supports legislation to prevent illegal immigrants from receiving Social Security.

Heller Discussion
Side: Dean Heller
1 point

Dean Heller supports the War in Iraq and supported the surge.

Pro-Surge Debate
Side: Dean Heller