
Debate Info

Parents friends
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Parents (2)
 friends (7)

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sam07(80) pic

Who understand you most? Parents VS Friends

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Side Score: 2


Side Score: 10
1 point

i think parent.....because parents are our first friend...who always just trying to help us in need....they understand us ,love us unconditionally......

Side: Parents
1 point

Parents because you are around them all your life then your friends.

Side: Parents
2 points

My friends.... It really depends on the person. I personally feel I am better understood by my close friends than my parents and for good reason to. I'm not particularly super close with them.

Side: friends
2 points

You choose your friends, but not your parents.

Side: friends
2 points

Friends because if you talk to your mom for everything you are weird

Side: friends
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Every single genius and revolutionary was weird... Problem with weirdness?

Side: Parents
bemagic15(530) Clarified
1 point

Well do you run to your mom every time you are in trouble or something

Side: Parents
1 point

Let's use the example of people who hide the use of marijuana from there parents, athe friends that they're are doing this with don't judge you for your actions therefor you feel more secure and incline to speak your true thoughts not fearing the repremend of judgement.

Side: friends
1 point


And if your parents understand you most, then they are your friends so it's irrelevant.

Side: friends
1 point

Friends because you are your true self around them I find with most kids that they act different around they're parents than they do around their friends so friends know the real you where as parents will only know the parts you show them.

Side: friends