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 Why Do Sphincter People Enjoy Annoying Others? (2)

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ptosis(243) pic

Why Do Sphincter People Enjoy Annoying Others?

OUt apartment complex has been enduring this so-called crazy lady for a very long time. A chronic yeller morning noon and night. Finally after a year and a half - I realized that this "crazy" lady NEVER jnuts up when the Property manager is around. That shows control over her mouth and is not a mental illness. At 4:15 AM Sunday I called the police - who gave her a warning that a second complaint the same day will result in arrest.


Since then she has not yelled ONCE.


So why is it appear rational to a person to yell morning noon and night - is it control? Is it because they are so bored that annoying other people is entertainment?

I feel that when a chronic yeller living alone in a apartment must have a reason why they are doing it ON PURPOSE.  This is not a mental illness thing becuase she CAN control her mouth at will!


Please help me out here to understand the motivation for chronic yelling months at a time.

Oh Yeah, she's a hit whore and trades BJ's for drugs. Lately, the new neighbor has had good looking whores coming around And I think the Yeller Bitch is angry because her competition is Blowing her away.


Stay in school  folks because if low-income, have to live in slum section of  town. This place I live in is like the great book "Confederacy of Dunces" Everyone, including me, are on a fixed income and have no where else to move to.

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2 points

Chronic yellers are control freaks and overbearing and obnoxious. I think part of it is they use their vocal-cords like some folks use their fists = to bully people simply out of meanness. They need a punching bag.

1 point

Thank you. All us neighbors were putting up with her - giving her a free pass because we thought it was a mental illness symptom.

You gave me the affimation that not all mental people are natural assholes. And sometimes people are just plain jerks

Side: Control Freak