
Debate Info

There is NO deep state Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:47
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 There is NO deep state (2)
 Trump can do no wrong (9)

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excon(18262) pic

Why can't Trump gain ownership of Obamas deep state?

There is NO deep state

Side Score: 2

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 32
-1 points

It's impossible to own a figment of a hate-filled movement's imagination. It is created in their own minds and has no substance.

Side: There is NO deep state
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Grandpaw are you STUPID ? You Leftist are hate filled because your party was a LOSER in 2016 !

Side: Trump can do no wrong
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If I felt that way, like YOU, I WOULD be stupid. My party was a WINNER in 2016. We got 63,000,000 votes to 60,000,000 votes. How is that a loser?? 3.000.000 votes MORE than YOUR party is a WINNER to ME!

I'm not the one spreading hate, I'm looking for solutions to your party's stealing a second election in less than 20 years! Not "hate", just determination to get my America back, stupid.

Side: There is NO deep state
2 points

Because it belongs to the Communists, not the Capitalists.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Because it belongs to the Communists, not the Capitalists.

Hello Spuds:

If the country is GONE - TAKEN OVER by communists, why is Trump worried about a few brown people slipping across our border??

If I was president, and I believed that our country had been taken over by communists, my ONLY job would be to ROOT them OUT. Period, end of story..

All I hear is Trump SNIVELING about them, not DOING anything about them.


Side: There is NO deep state
RavensBeak(282) Disputed
5 points

If the country is GONE - TAKEN OVER by communists, why is Trump worried about a few brown people slipping across our border??

Cultural Marxism via "Critical Theory". You turn the country communist by flooding its voting populous with desperate people rather than people who have tasted capitalism and freedom.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
RavensBeak(282) Disputed
5 points

The term alludes to an act in which Communists have infiltrated media, academia, and Hollywood and are engaged in a decades-long plot to undermine Western culture. Basically all of modern social liberalism is, in fact, a Communist front group.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
RavensBeak(282) Disputed
5 points

The Frankfurt School was behind an ongoing Marxist plot to destroy the capitalist West from within, spreading its tentacles throughout academia and indoctrinating students to hate patriotism & freedom.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
RavensBeak(282) Disputed
5 points

Lukacs and Gramsci both argued that the reason that the Marxist class theory didn’t play out was because Western values were too deeply entrenched, notably the emphasis on Capitalism, the individual over the collective, and Christianity. These had to be destroyed in order for the communist utopia to be achieved.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
OmegaPan(710) Disputed
3 points

If I was president, and I believed that our country had been taken over by communists, my ONLY job would be to ROOT them OUT. Period, end of story..

You'd wind up with a 90% conservative Congress.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

LMMFAO you are an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

DUMMY there is your link !

Side: Trump can do no wrong