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 Why do Americans insist that Hispanic people are "stealing our jobs"? (10)

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elirue159(18) pic

Why do Americans insist that Hispanic people are "stealing our jobs"?

I am curious to hear what people have to say about this.

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3 points

I haven't heard that... first of all, Hispanics aren't the issue... Mexicans are.... and legal Mexicans aren't the issue, illegal Mexicans are. It's very simple, illegals of any race shouldn't be here taking jobs that Americans will work.

4 points

I agree, but most illegals will do the jobs that a lot of Americans wouldn't want. If they want to live and work here, they need to go through the proper channels as any other immigrant would. The bigger issue, in my opinion, is the government hand-outs the illegals receive from our tax dollars.

2 points

Well, I think there are Americans that will work a lot of those jobs... around here restaurants are hiring tons of illegal Mexicans and when the teenage unemployment numbers are so high, I think many of them would take those jobs. If the government would just do their job and check for I9s at these places this practice would stop pretty damn quick.

And I completely agree that the government hand outs to illegals needs to stop as well.

2 points

Because they want to blame their laziness that prevents them from getting a job on someone else. Employers will hirer them if they worked and did it for the money offered. I'd rather have a job that doesn't pay much than not be getting any money.

And this doesn't apply to all Americans mind you

They are all Idiots because everyone needs a job.

Because they are. Consider the fact that 1. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs will almost always look for the cheapest way to run their operations and 2. Illegals will work less than minimum wage because they have little choice. Illegals aside, Hispanics are the largest group of people invading the US right now, and with an economy getting tanked by federal regulations and laws, there aren't enough jobs to go around. Until either immigration (both legal and illegal) are curtailed or the government keeps it's nose out of the private sector, it will continue to be this way.

1 point

I don't think people are saying Hispanics are stealing their jobs, most people say Illegal immigrants are stealing their jobs. I must say that as a job developer myself people need to stop talking so much crap. There are tons of jobs available that the american people constantly reject because they claim to be too good for the job. But let me tell you something "some money is better than no money" The problem here is not that anyone is stealing anyone elses jobs but you do have a lot of lazy people who feel that things should just be handed to them, instead of busting their ass off to get it.

Illegal immigrants should not be working here at all without getting their documents together!

Most Hispanics are doing the menial jobs that the suburbanites don't want to do.