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 Why do people die? (8)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Why do people die?

Yeah, parts wear out, but why can't we just replace them? When someone dies from a heart attack, why can't you just put a new heart in and watch them come back to life?

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We could replace them...if we could discover what parts they were. Also it's not like one part goes out at a time, we're talking multi system failure here. The lungs we could probably get a new pair, the kidneys, liver, even the heart to a lesser extent. But there is not a way to get around losing your brain.

The brain goes dead. Once that awesome machine dies the body is useless.

What changes within a brain when it dies? Whatever happens, it seems like it could be reversed, say by nanobots.

Well cells begin to die by i guess nano bytes could help with that. Maybe you are on to something.

1 point

How else will Satan get to spank us?

That thing that you call you..., is not a physical thing. The whole purpose of life is to get you to want to leave your physical body. Once that happens..., you don't want to come back ;)

Science has not found a cure for death which is an illness.