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 Why does God force people to suffer against their will? (12)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Why does God force people to suffer against their will?

God forces people to suffer against their will. That is a fact. To those who say otherwise, tell that to children with cancer. Children! What the Hell did they do to deserve that?!

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1 point

God forces people to suffer against their will. That is a fact. To those who say otherwise, tell that to children with cancer. Children! What the Hell did they do to deserve that?!

Does God really do that? I dont think so. Most of the children who suffer that dont even know God, and they dont believe in him, so therefore, why blame God for the cancer, when they clearly dont even think he exists.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Oh bullocks. Tell that to cancer victims, to AIDS victims, to other terminally ill people. Anyone who says that God does not force His will on people is in denial.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Oh bullocks. Tell that to cancer victims, to AIDS victims, to other terminally ill people. Anyone who says that God does not force His will on people is in denial.

Cambriel(711) Disputed
1 point

In the contrary, I still dont get it when people say that there is no God, and yet, when they experiences those terminal or any kind of disease, they blame it all on God..

Frankly, there is no other answer to this question than a theistic one. So, let me explain with a Hindu point of view.

Hindus believe that there is always one eternal "aatma" or soul which pervades in the human body, which fills it with the essence of life. The soul never dies, it just goes from one body to the other. When a person dies, his aatma goes to another body. This cycle of life and death exists between many bodies of different species, such as a cow, an elephant, a monkey and in between, humans. This goes on until the soul has learned all the spiritual knowledge there is to know, after which it achieves " nirvana" or salvation.

Now, let's take an example to explain the karma theory. Let's say, in one of your births you were an executioner and beheaded an innocent person. In your next birth, an assassin may do the same to you! Similarly, the deeds of your previous birth bear fruit in your present birth, determining your actions and your ultimate fate.

Here, some people may argue that they control their lives, and not some bullshit karma theory. However, the will power, the thought process of your deeds, where do they come from? From within yourself? No matter how much you believe, the "control" of your actions is simply an illusion that is created by the divine who controls what you do and do not do.

Therefore, your deeds in your previous birth, and sometimes pure luck( of course, orchestrated by the divine )determines your sufferings or gains in your present birth.

I see life as a learning process where we all experiance things that we could not feel had we simply been born into paradise. It is hard to explain joy without knowing pain. Without knowelage of one or the other, we become emotionally numb.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Emotional numbness is pretty God damn appealing right now. ;'(

1 point

I do not think you really understand what it means to be emotionally numb. To feel nothing. I was once given some medication that really messed me up. I stopped eating, i didn't even get out of bed. I was not sad, i just saw no reason to live.

Emotions shift from good and bad. You can not have one without the other. From what it sounds like, you are currently in a negative emotional state, so i can see why you would want to be rid of it. But just know that it will pass, and things will not seem as bad as the once were. You will be happy again, once you are able to move on with acceptance.

This is a pondering question that I don't think can be answered.