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 Why does society look up to Maths and Science but looks down on the ARTS and who does them (4)

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mariou2001(5) pic

Why does society look up to Maths and Science but looks down on the ARTS and who does them

1)everyone has their own calling and not everyone can work on both fields.  

2) People who are good at ARTs are not stupid! they have an artistic mindset.
Im an artistic thinker which means that i can do Maths and science but my brain works at multiple different directions and is able to develop ideas in split seconds. People say that I have focusing issues whilst my brain works to fast to stay on one task for too long. On the other hand, when im doing ART, drama or creative writing I use this to my advantage in order to develop ideas.

im very confused.

My sister is doing economics and Maths in IB and i have picked ART and Drama which are super difficult. Whoever asks for our subject options completely ignores mine and starts 2 hour discussion with my sister about maths. I dont get why the ARTS are so looked down on. They are equally difficult in their own way and are the calling of some people.
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1 point

I agree it's neither fair nor wise to value math and science over the arts. But why does it happen? Probably simply because of money. Because the industries and technologies driven by math and science get associated with making money. Granted art can make money, too, but it's a smaller fraction of the art community which can generate that type of money success, and it's far less predictable.

1 point

Mathematics and science is superior to art, any day.

You couldn't invent a machination with musical talent, acting skills or talented painting.

Art is for overly emotional people.

shaash(434) Disputed
1 point

No. I agree, art is hard. But it is not valued less because of money. We need more mathematicians and scientists to improve technology and cure diseases, bringing mankind forward. Artists are somewhat important because they provide entertainment and help keep everyone sane, but being educated in STEM fields will help more people in a more drastic way.

I believe that STEM fields are not valued enough. A lot of little kids want to be rock stars, football players, or video game designers but tbh the world could get by without these people. The modern world can't get by without surgeons, researchers, and engineers.

1 point

Short answer: capitalism.