
Debate Info

Because it matters Because Andy is a troll
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:33
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 Because it matters (10)
 Because Andy is a troll (11)

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StinkySocks(5) pic

Why is createdebate still around?

Why is createdebate still a website? It's been dead for awhile and the trolls are just feeding off of its dead corpse left behind.

Because it matters

Side Score: 17

Because Andy is a troll

Side Score: 15
2 points

I wasn't here four years ago!

Side: Because it matters

You have a lot of catching up to do. You better start reading ;)

Side: Because it matters
2 points


The site does matter and is important. It has taken quite some time to rid ourselves of the many trolls that popularity brought us. We are almost through with the cleansing process and have lots of good things on the horizon. If you don't like the site then don't come here. If you like the site, then debate.

Side: Because it matters

I agree. Thats why I try to be a good person. :)

Side: Because it matters
2 points

Also the community is cool :)

Side: Because it matters
1 point

Exactly, this place offers way more than, by far.

Although I might be able to to find a greater variety of topics to debate on elsewhere, and in greater depth, the community in this site is unbeatable, and the overall setup of the website is much more user friendly.

Side: Because it matters
1 point

There are better sites such as so if anyone has not joined yet do it! This forum is basically dead and better sites exist. While it used to be cool it has gone downhill.

Side: Because it matters
mithoo19(806) Disputed
4 points

i don't think CD is a dead website and createdebate is much more better than

Side: Because Andy is a troll
bemagic15(530) Disputed
1 point

It is use to have awesome people but the era of Prodige came and destroyed everything which then summoned more trolls and well now only dicks live here besides me and a handfull of others

Side: Because it matters
1 point

Like all negative shitheads you have presented an unfavourable review, as you perceive it, without offering any suggestion for improvement.

Createdebate is a quality debating forum in which people can express their genuinely help opinions and/or challenge the viewpoints of others.

When you criticise C.D, you're really attacking it's users and pigeon holing them all as trolls.

Side: Because it matters
1 point

He is every Troll! dun dun duuuuuunnn

It's all apart of a psychological experiment, to gather information on how people respond to different personality types. The reason for the experiment , is to help him become a better actor and writer.

Side: Because Andy is a troll