
Debate Info

I hate right wingers I'm a bigot & racist
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I'm a bigot & racist (1)

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OldManPork(13) pic

Why is it different when Obama and Trump call looters and rioters thugs?

Obama stands by the term 'thugs,' White House says

April 29, 2015

I hate right wingers

Side Score: 1

I'm a bigot & racist

Side Score: 2
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1 point

;-) ...... (That's because I'm posting on this side ... it's a joke ;-).

There IS a difference. BOTH were wrong, but, Obama immediately apologized, and HE was calling white supremacists "thugs" that were attacking with HATE. Trump does not apologize or accept that he made [another] mistake. That's the difference between a "leader" and an authoritarian, egotistical wannabe!

Trump called frustrated American citizens looking for JUSTICE, "thugs".

Side: I'm a bigot & racist
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

So sorry. Obama did NOT apologize. he explained why he considered them thugs. I DO apologize. (And my stated difference between the "leaders" still stands. There is NO WAY white supremacists, (white nationalists, nazis ), etc. are NOT thugs, even if they are simply "breathing" our air.

Side: I hate right wingers