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 Why is it that we "have" sex instead of "do" sex? (11)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Why is it that we "have" sex instead of "do" sex?

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1 point

The activity of sex is yours. You are having it occur to you.

What you are doing is fucking.

You do the fucking and have the sex.

Maybe...., but you don't do the running and have a marathon. ;)

Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

You do the running and have a race, a marathon is just one form of a race.

When we crave something, we satisfy the craving by having the thing we crave. So if you're hungry, you have food. If you're horny, you have sex.

We tend to do chores. People do their laundry. If you're a prostitute, you have to do fat, old, men. ;)

1 point

Good explanation.

If you're a prostitute, you have to do fat, old, men. ;)

This would be especially true in the case where you went to a prostitute. ;)

Because sex is a noun, and if you can't ''do'' a noun. .

A noun is a person, place or thing. A verb is a word used to describe an action. Maybe sex should be reclassified as a verb. ;)

1 point

What are you doing?!

- just sexing ..

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