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 Why is there no GOOD women philisopher? (5)

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oneaboveall(49) pic

Why is there no GOOD women philisopher?

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Until recently, women have been preoccupied teaching young boys grammar ;)

3 points

Ayn Rand.

Sure, haters gonna hate, and it's probably a negative response towards the increased movement towards libertarianism (she hated libertarians, by the way.) But really, she was brilliant none-the-less. Sure, she may not be right (I don't agree completely with her.) But neither was Socrates nor Plato. They're still great philosophers.

But, as usual, haters will hate. It's all about "nah man, anything promoting libertarianism is stupid," which really does, at least, expose the idiots in this world. Or, at least, the ones who should just not talk about philosophy.

1 point

You mean was??


1 point

Simply put Women only got "half" of Adam's gene pool. They just don't have the full capacity to absorb the full scope of this drama that we call life. Try as they may they can only articulate a very generic view of civilization and history. They are more suited for teaching children and household pets.

Lynaldea(1227) Disputed
2 points

Oh snaps, or "aw hell nah"...dis person said some shit.

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