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 Why was 9/11 an inside job? (5)

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Vserena(10) pic

Why was 9/11 an inside job?

Why do you think 9/11 was an inside job? Facts? Proof?

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1 point

Iunno, building falls at near free fall rate. Government story doesn't make much sense. Thermite found in dust of WTC. Terrorism insurence placed on the building all to conviently just before a terror attack. Hijackers passports and I.D's survive a plane crash that apparently disintigrated on impact. Explosions heard coming from the WTC. Media announces it and then changes their tune. Build 7 or 10 what ever it was was reported to have fallen while it was still standing in the distance of the camera shot. Bush needed a reason to invade Iran and Iraq. I could write more but, I'm going to stop there.

1 point

Can you back this up with some sources? I feel as if you know your stuff but your ethos is nowhere to be found.

link6065(740) Clarified
1 point

I'll see what I can dig back up. .

1 point

I don't believe it was an inside job. All the evidence points to Al-Qadea and Islamic terrorism. But, I do think the US government not only knew exactly what was happening (i.e. there were no failures in intelligence); but that they might have even a helped in terms of logistics. The "war on terror" is been a real boon for the economy, lots of people have gotten filthy rich as a result, and it gave the government the pretext to effectively eliminate privacy in the U.S. As heartless as this will sound, 9/11 was the best thing to happen to American capitalism and Big Government.