
Debate Info

Yes it should No it shouldn't
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes it should (3)
 No it shouldn't (1)

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anachronist(886) pic

Wild camping should be legal

My friends and I regularly embark on long treks, where wild camping is necessary if you don't have infinite money. We take our rubbish with us and don't make much noise (we don't have the energy). Yet it is still illegal to wild camp in most parts of the UK, with the exception of Scotland. 


Please provide a sensible reason for your answer.

Yes it should

Side Score: 3

No it shouldn't

Side Score: 1
1 point

I love it! Just go in to the woods, set up tent, stay up whenever, you don't have to worry about what the neighbors will think of u up at 4am, you can be as messy as u like e.t.c. With friends, it's just so much better than spending the night in some dreary hotel or something. Yes it should be legalized.

Side: Yes it should
1 point

Apart from some irresponsible people (who should be punizhed separately) the majority do nothing wrong on these trips and therefore there is no problem.

Side: Yes it should
1 point

It is. Why wouldn't it be?

I've been wildcamping only once, and there were too many slugs.

Side: Yes it should
1 point

sounds like a very personal problem. run from the popo?? if your that deep in the woods, there shouldnt be anyone to arrest/fine you.

Side: No it shouldn't