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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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MajorHigman(17) pic

Will Russia Invade Europe?

If so how would they do it and what could be done to stop them?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1
1 point

I think they will try but they won't suceed. They might take polandand the czech republic and greece and people in the east side... but they will be stopped cold at Germany. They won't make to the german border before German offensives start to overwhelm and destroy their forces. Lucky little France won't even get touched nor will Britan. And when europe wins they will take Prussia back and hopfully give it to it's rightful owner Germany instead of poland. Poland gets all the territory takin from both russia Germany and others. I dislike poland and the fact that britan and america always side wih them. Unfair to the others

Side: yes but they will lose
make1up09(3) Clarified
1 point

You say that if Russia ever invaded Europe that they would be stopped by the Germans at their border... I'm afraid you are wrong. NATO can can not match Russian ground forces on strength. Russia have more tanks on their border's than Europe have all together. The only way Europe could ever stop all them tanks from rolling though eastern Europe is a massive nuclear strike on there bases in Russia. That will never happen because the EU would be fractured over this allowing Russia to go deeper into Europe. Now there is one thing Europe have on Russia that might just slow down there attack (if they ever did) and that is Europe's air forces combined. If Russia really wanted to take Europe and invade all they have to do is cut the gas which they control, wait for Europe to start fighting with each other and just roll on in and take everything. I'm sorry I'm from Britain so I'm not saying Russia are better but if I turned on the news and saw that Russia was invading then I'm sorry but I'll just start learning Russian now because they would win. Unless we just all killed each other with nuclear weapons then nothing will matter because we will all be dead or dieing.

Side: Yes

It is now 2015 and Putin has already invaded a part of Europe.

Side: Yes
0 points

Never. It's just an exgaggeration of communist phobia. It is hard to believe that even now, so long after the cold war people might still fear the red menace or the fifth colomn

Side: No
MajorHigman(17) Disputed
1 point

But russia under putin is growing stronger. They control all the gas to europe, and cut it off at a moments notice. europe is dependant on it. A few years back when Bush said hed build a missle defense system in poland, putin said hed build a missle offense system in turn. then youve got the invasion of south ossetia on the opening day of the olympics which the world did nothing about. and that crash with the polish president and his military leaders, too much of a coincidence. If the world goes into WW3 from a korean war or a nuclear exchange in the middle east, russia might just take the offensive but on whos side i do not know.

Side: yes