
Debate Info

GUILTY Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Trump can do no wrong (3)

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excon(18262) pic

Will the Mueller report say Trump is INNOCENT, or GUILTY as hell?


Side Score: 1

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 4
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2 points

Innocent. If there were a shred of guilt, they would have leaked it already.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Innocent. If there were a shred of guilt, they would have leaked it already.

Hello N:

I agree with your conclusion, but not the reasoning why.. I think the report will tell us that Trump is the biggest CROOK this country has ever endured.. If THAT got out BEFORE the conclusion, it would NEVER have been allowed to proceed this far.

It's only speculation at this point.. But, it's fun to conject.


LynnSwann(8) Disputed
1 point

I think the report will tell us that Trump is the biggest CROOK this country has ever endured

The Clintons are the biggest crooks this country has ever endured. They didn't become billionaires, then enter politics. They entered politics THEN became billionaires. And all without inventing anything or owning a business.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Where is the EVIDENCE there STUPOR STUPID ??? All you have is what the word you used and that is SPECULATION LMMFAO ! You are such a FUCKING DUMB ASS !!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong