
Debate Info

I think so! Nah, they won't dare..
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 I think so! (5)
 Nah, they won't dare.. (1)

Debate Creator

Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

Will the government ever ban religion?

With the government having so much power, will they ever ban religion?

I think so!

Side Score: 6

Nah, they won't dare..

Side Score: 2
1 point

They will capture the religious and turn them into their slaves.

The government will become God, much like Stalin did when he outlawed religion.

Side: I think so!
1 point

Kim Jong-Un too.

Side: I think so!
1 point

Progress with always triumph over dark-age superstitions. Religion is a particularly tough one but it cannot deny the flow of time.

Side: I think so!

Depends on the government. If you refer to the American government system, this is highly unlikely to happen due to the first amendment, which a majority of Americans agree with.

Side: Nah, they won't dare..
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

I agree. Now, if we could just get Christianity to read, understand and agree to the First Amendment, instead of trying to make it secondary to the Bible, we might get down to developing the country the founding fathers envisioned.

Side: I think so!
2 points

I am going to disagree with you here. Christians need to stop making the First Amendment secondary, but it isn't to the Bible. The Bible says not to judge. I don't know what it is that comes before the First Amendment, but it isn't the Bible.

Side: I think so!