
Debate Info

Freddy Jason
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Freddy (3)
 Jason (1)

Debate Creator

Quocalimar(6470) pic

Would you rather face?

I like the idea of having my own series, maybe I'll keep up with it. Anyway that's the question is which of these two would you rather face in a battle, meet, or have to duel with?

Freddy kruegerOrJason


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1
1 point

Because I would be facing him in a dream my dream in my head which would mean we are in my world so this will end MY way

Side: Freddy
1 point

since he kills you in a dream you would feel nothing. Where as Jason is in real life and kills you in some pretty gruesome ways that don't kill you instantly. In all honesty i wouldn't want to face either of them but i would prefer to face Freddie than Jason.

Side: Freddy

I would want to take the scare challenge from Freddy. He seems to have some humor, so, he may let me go.

Side: Freddy
1 point

I can look at him without being spooked

Side: Jason