
Debate Info

Three eyes Webbed feet
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Webbed feet (7)

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believeyoume(909) pic

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Would you rather have... three eyes or webbed feet?

Three eyes

Side Score: 0

Webbed feet

Side Score: 9
Winning Side!
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I love to swim; webbed feet and hands would be a godsend. But three eyes? That'd be so ugly. Messing up my moneymaker!

Side: Webbed feet

I would have rather have three eyes... the better to look at your money maker ;)

Side: Three eyes
1 point

well, no one really sees webbed feet. by the time they do... it probably won't be that big a deal.

Side: Webbed feet

Although wearing flip-flops would be a bitch. Good thing I never liked them anyway.

Side: Webbed feet
1 point

Webbed feet. You can swim better and put on shoes to hide it. You can't hide 3 eyes!

Side: Webbed feet
1 point

I can actually hide webbed feet. Plus, I could probably get surgery or something to make them normal again.

Side: Webbed feet

Webbed feet. I don't like what I see already and don't want to see more of it.

Side: Webbed feet