
Debate Info

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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:16
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 Yes (2)
 No (5)

Debate Creator

HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Would you vote for a chimpanzee president?

Assuming they know sign language, the constitution allows it, they agree with you on the issues, etc., and they just happen to be a chimp.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 7
-2 points
Hellno(17753) Disputed
2 points

What's a HUK?

Side: No
1 point

Well, I didn't vote for the one we have. ;)

Side: No
1 point

Did I go a little too far there? Because I feel like maybe I did? :D

Side: No
Sinknight(518) Disputed
0 points

Yes, yes you did .

Side: Yes
-1 points

You lot did vote for Bush, and to be honest that is worse.

Side: No
Doherty95(299) Clarified
1 point

aha two down votes, some people didn't want to hear the truth.

Side: Yes