
Debate Info

Republicans LOVE assholes He probably WILL win, huh?
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Republicans LOVE assholes (4)

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excon(18262) pic

Wow! Herschel Walker is the worst person in the world.. He'll probably win, amirit?

Republicans LOVE assholes

Side Score: 5

He probably WILL win, huh?

Side Score: 0
1 point

Wow! Herschel Walker is the worst person in the world..

And there it is. A black person dared to disagree with you, so get a rope. Of course he denies ever paying for an abortion, so my choices of who to believe are him or a left wing media that gets caught lying every day. Guess who I choose.

He'll probably win, amirit?

You said he had no earthly chance. Let me guess. The media told you he had no chance, so you blindly believed them and got duped yet again. At some point you'd think you'd stop believing the billionaires who keep telling you what to think while evading paying taxes to your country.

Side: Republicans LOVE assholes
2 points

He COULD, only because the "Republican" Party, (so-called), has corrupted the voting system (read "FIXED") to get whomever they WANT to be elected. Never has a dumber (with the possible exception of Rep. Gohmert, ... MtG, ... Biebert(sp) ... (come to think of it, it ISN'T so rare )), been offered a space in the U.S. Government Fill the Senate w/-rumpers who will agree with anything -rumpian, and to hell with what Americans have died for for centuries! The NEW "patriots" (The proud boys and the like!) are the Republican "heroes" of today!

Well, the only solution to the problem is to VOTE ...... or steal the election as the .....publicans are trying to do!

Side: Republicans LOVE assholes
1 point

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Side: Republicans LOVE assholes
0 points

Cool, you write; the content is excellent and engaging; I'll provide a connection to my site. Am I being unreasonable? Am I Being Unreasonable Daisy May Cooper Coat is crafted from suede leather.

Side: Republicans LOVE assholes
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