
Debate Info

Arrest them Freedom of speech
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 Arrest them (3)
 Freedom of speech (4)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Yelling "I have ebola!" on a bus can get you arrested.

No! I didn't do it!

But... it happened in California and now the FBI is looking for the jackass. Is this the same as yelling *FIRE!* in a crowded theater or covered by freedom of speech?

Also... here is a picture of a shirtless Putin riding an ebola virus.

Arrest them

Side Score: 5

Freedom of speech

Side Score: 5
2 points

What a completely stupid and idiotic thing to yell on public transportation. Yes, they should be arrested in my opinion. Try going to an airport and yelling 'I have a bomb!' and see what kind of reaction you get. Chances are, you will probably be challenged by security almost immediately. With freedom of speech, there are just some things which you cannot say. A little bit of common sense would help greatly.

Side: Arrest them

I am all for free speech, but not this time. I think it would be an act of terror to do that.

Side: Arrest them
1 point

With freedom of speech comes a responsibility and sadly limits.

It's a-kin to shouting shark at the beach. If what you're shouting will cause people to act in a way that can leave people injured, then you should be held responsible for what you said.

Freedom of speech also does not allow you to lie to a person to get them to buy something, if you do that, you will be held accountable for your actions.

Side: Arrest them
1 point

Don't arrest him, punch him in his dumb fucking face.

Side: Freedom of speech
1 point

I was really just looking for a reason to post that Putin picture and couldn't think of a legit way to tie it into a real debate.

Side: Freedom of speech
1 point

I'm pretty sure that's a real photo, too.

Side: Freedom of speech
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Why not both?

Side: Arrest them