
Debate Info

yes they should no they should not
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 yes they should (1)
 no they should not (2)

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K-got-swag(12) pic

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Challenge Debate: countries should use racial profiling to fight crime

Countries should consider using racial profiling to help them solve crimes



yes they should

Side Score: 1

no they should not

Side Score: 2
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1 point

Why would this benefit anyone? Racial profiling would result in systemic violence and discrimination towards those of the targeted race, and therefore become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Side: no they should not
K-got-swag(12) Disputed
1 point

MY deepest apologies for this late reply and my dispute is about the benefits. You see if a police department or a crime department identifies which race is accountable for certain crimes then it gives them a platform to deal with the crime amongst that race on a whole and not necessarily the race.

Fighting crime doe not mean detaining people or making them subject to violence

Side: yes they should
SophieS(22) Disputed
1 point

Don't worry about the length of time taken to reply.

The worry about police departments identifying a race accountable for a particular crime is that that race then becomes the target for hate crimes by the civilian population and it becomes fuel for racist ideology.

Fighting crime may not necessarily mean those things, but in the way that you propose police departments do it, it will result in innocent people being unduly detained or mistreated.

There are a lot of problems with police departments becoming overcome by their own power and abusing it; take the Stanford Prison experiments, for example. There is nothing to suggest that profiling has any other result than furthering racist ideas.

Let's look at this question from another angle. Why would racial profiling even be considered as a tool to fight crime? Because some races are thought to be more likely to commit certain crimes than others. Why is that? Because this is statistically the case.

But being a certain race doesn't predispose you to committing crimes. Life circumstances are what predispose people to committing crimes.

Side: no they should not