
Debate Info

we are NOT alone. no
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 we are NOT alone. (2)
 no (3)

Debate Creator

wardogninja(1790) pic

do aliens exist?

Is there life on planets other than earth.

we are NOT alone.

Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3
3 points

Tch. The universe is too big. Of course we're not alone. Well, I don't know if we'll ever meet our neighbors, but hey, it could happen.

Side: we are NOT alone.
2 points

Whether the universe is finite or infinite it's still a huge place. With most scientists predicting at least 1000 planets capable of life here in our galaxy there must be. You have over a million Galaxy's and the mathematical odds say there must be.

Side: we are NOT alone.
1 point

I seriously doubt that aliens exist. Even if they do, us humans would never encounter them.

Side: No
1 point

I seriously doubt that aliens exist. Even if they do, us humans would never encounter them.

Side: No

I feel that if aliens did exist that they would have introduced themselves to us by now.

Side: no