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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 YES!! (4)

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torched888(21) pic

do school shooters realize what they are doing

do school shooters realize that they are tearing apart lives? families?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 0
1 point

yes i thick they know, but they are past the point of caring,they are so mad,hurt,etc.

Side: YES!!

Of course, this is why school shooters do what they do, they are looking to inflict harm on vulnerable and innocent people.

Side: YES!!
1 point

They definitely know what they are doing as long as they are in a mentally stable condition. They just dont care because they want to prove themselves as being superior than others who are out for revenge. Also, if they know how to handle a gun and try not to hurt themselves, and find ways to hide after the shooting, then they are fully aware of their actions.

Side: YES!!

They know what they are doing but they don't realize the repercussions that will follow that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Side: YES!!
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