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 foodstamps and drug testing (12)

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ericacampos(25) pic

foodstamps and drug testing

Should people who get food stamps be drug tested? Governor of Georgia has signed the law to begin drug testing select welfare recipients. I do agree. There are many people that abuse welfare. They sign up for food stamps knowing they can afford to pay for food on their own. People also sell their food stamps in exchange for money.  

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2 points

First, prove that "many" people abuse welfare. Then prove that drug abuse is a significant direct cause of that abuse. Next prove that drug testing would curtail that abuse. Finally, address the classist overtones in the policy and the civil rights repercussions. Then I may consider this a legitimate proposal.

1 point

First, prove that "many" people abuse welfare.

There has to be a bunch. Just by the sheer volume of people on welfare.

Then prove that drug abuse is a significant direct cause of that abuse.

The abuse in question is using drugs while on welfare. So, drug abuse has to be linked to it.

Next prove that drug testing would curtail that abuse.

Yep, you have a point there, it doesn't even prevent it in sports.

Finally, address the classist overtones in the policy and the civil rights repercussions.

Well, he won't be able to do that. I don't know if we will recognize the civil rights repercussions until the NSA starts secretly doing drug tests. ;)

Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

There has to be a bunch. Just by the sheer volume of people on welfare.

Alternatively, the sheer volume of people on welfare points to the factually evident rates of unemployment, poverty, and the growing income gap in this country. That would be a reasonable conclusion to make, though, so forgive me; much simpler to blame those on welfare without any actual proof beyond prejudicial assumption.

The abuse in question is using drugs while on welfare. So, drug abuse has to be linked to it.

You mean the unsubstantiated abuse in question? Got it. Forgive me if I remain unconvinced that this is proof.

Yep, you have a point there, it doesn't even prevent it in sports.

Glad we can agree on this at least.

Well, he won't be able to do that.

I know.

I don't know if we will recognize the civil rights repercussions until the NSA starts secretly doing drug tests. ;)

You joke, but I cry a little on the inside.

1 point

Who is going to pay for the drug testing because the government has enough problems with funding for public assistance? Drug test are costly, unnecessary, and inappropriate.

Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

A life-time on welfare is more expensive than a drug test. It is inappropriate to take tax-payers money when one is capable of getting a job. It is even more inappropriate to use tax money to buy drugs.

ericacampos(25) Disputed
1 point

pplicants must be notified of the drug testing requirement at the time of application, and are required to pay for the test. If they test negative the applicant will be reimbursed for the cost by adding the amount to their benefit check. If an applicant tests positive the applicant is ineligible for benefits for one year, but can reapply in 6 months if he/she completes an approved substance abuse treatment program.

dianao123(3) Disputed
1 point

What about privacy, freedom? What about the our fourth amendment? The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution in the bill of rights prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned. Wouldn't you say drug testing violates our fourth amendment?

1 point

I'm aware that the following argument which I am about to exhibit may be unrelated to the American centralized aim of the subject yet from a Frenchman's perspective, I believe it essential and imperative that this measure be applied yet to further the subject to a deeper degree, I also know that it would not be a definitive policy to 'abolish' the abuses of public welfare. From my knowledge, those in France that can be associated to drug use are in majority the owners of sufficient wealth to provide for their drug use as they are, in most cases, related to the drug trade themselves and therefore undeniably well rewarded for their work, from a financial consideration. In France, the excess of the welfare abuses are mostly originated from failed integration of the wave of immigrants that now occupy a tenth of the country's population. I hope I needn't remind that this doesn't apply to every immigrant but some can have their motivation of seeking a profession lowered by the prospect of receiving welfare, a trait their children MAY inherit. Naturally, and despite this phenomenon, many immigrants succeed and become celebrities in France (Manuel Valls, Zinedine Zidane...). Sorry for having veered off the original subject and a good day to y'all friendly Americans.