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 how can this bloody universe ends (4)

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ANJ2kill(304) pic

how can this bloody universe ends

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1 point

when god takes all women from this univrese. i know its crispy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Side: women
1 point

The universe won't end. Only mankind's ability to reproduce.. which is insignificant to the universe. It would actually be a kingdom of gaydom. Basically being a homo is disrespectful to women!

Side: women
ANJ2kill(304) Disputed
1 point

so BINDA you are trying to prove that you are a homo. well i think you dont respect women anyway i love them


Side: women
alstars(739) Disputed
1 point

Not exactly.

I think the end of the women doesn't mean the end of the universe!

I mean, If humans die, then other animals live!

Even if all the female genders of all species end, The life will definitely end,

But life is not the universe, Friend

IT is only a part of it!

After all, If life ends on this planet, It may start again on another planet or even again in this one !

as for the above statement, Carbon compounds and their behavior in the presence of lightning is the explanation!

Side: Life may end not universe