
Debate Info

yes no
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 yes (3)
 no (2)

Debate Creator

Delta(1348) pic

is the iceland monster true


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 2
2 points


Side: yes
2 points

Oh Kerry Cracktona, how America is missing out on you ...

Side: yes
2 points

It's said that a little girl grandmother told her to find a ringworm and when she did her grandmother gave her a golden ring and said to put these items together and the ring will grow after a couple of months later the ring didn't grow but the worm did.frighten she threw it in the kelbishdesj lake.Lots of sighting of this worm were sighten but it us hard to tell because of the fog.It's said to be as long as a football field.It rest under the lake but also goes on land.

Side: yes

I've never seen it before, and I think those were rumors. Until even there are books on it. Like in Tintin

Side: no

Is that anything like my big, purple, thing? ;)

Side: no