
Debate Info

male child female child
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 male child (5)
 female child (6)

Debate Creator

amoo(5) pic

male child is better than a female or a female child is better than male child

male child is better than female child

male child

Side Score: 5

female child

Side Score: 6
1 point

I'm neutral. It's all based on the person's view and preference.

Side: male child
1 point

Elmo is better.

Side: male child
negligent(202) Disputed
1 point

Elmo is not a gender.

Side: female child
SOFI_SOFI(169) Disputed
0 points

PEPE is not a gender.

Side: male child

Neither one. Which is better, a vowel or a consonant? You have to have both or you'll never have a word.

Side: female child
1 point

They're equal. Neither is smarter or stronger than the other as a child.

Side: female child

Based on the ratio of number of men to women, in a community, which child is better can be decided. Both are necessary for the species to continue.

Side: female child