
Debate Info

yes, tell them you know no, keep going along
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 yes, tell them you know (1)
 no, keep going along (1)

Debate Creator

courtney-0(35) pic

once you found out a liar do you confront them right away?

yes, tell them you know

Side Score: 2

no, keep going along

Side Score: 2
2 points

This has always been the best course of action for me. If it's a lie even worth me caring about, I tell them in private I know. Little more than that, so no threats or assurances, just the knowledge that I know. So they'll have that thought in mind as they continue with their lie that they know I will be no part of.

Side: yes, tell them you know

I normally favor a more direct approach in most things, but this is one arena where I'm unfortunately quite passive aggressive. I much prefer to run with them and let the liars get themselves hopelessly mired in a complicated lie that becomes evident to everyone around them. This is a very bad thing, as I'm pretty sure that practice was a key factor in cementing my little brother as a pathological liar; the guy will stick to his story even in the face of overwhelming evidence- and I'm not even talking about emotionally loaded stuff like religion and such. It's something I'm trying to change, but with no success so far. It amazes me, even when it shouldn't; I don't like the idea of being plainly aware of a problem with my character and being all but completely unable to do anything about it. It's worse than addiction in some ways.

Side: no, keep going along