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 race and IQ (11)

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race and IQ

According to research, the average IQ by race falls in this order: #1 Asians, #2 whites, #3 Latinos and #4 blacks. Do IQ scores accurately define a person's intelligence and their ability to succeed in life? Should the study of race and IQ`s be banned, as some suggest? Is it racist to define a race by their IQ? Does having a low IQ doom you to a life of poverty? I love controversial subjects so here goes my next one.  

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3 points

Should the study of race and IQ`s be banned, as some suggest?

Not banned, but recognized for their complete irrelevance.

Is it racist to define a race by their IQ?

It IS racist if it is used to establish that one race is superior to another.

Does having a low IQ doom you to a life of poverty?

Absolutely NOT. So obvious that it needs no explanation

ironman34698(235) Clarified
1 point

I agree...thanks for the comments! For those on both sides of the spectrum,1 those who feel they are superior and 2 those who feel they may be inferior, I think hearing things like that will help. Touche`

For those who feel they are superior because you have a higher IQ: there is always someone smarter. having a higher IQ only means you are better at abstract reasoning, than another. It does not mean you are the superior person. IQ does not measure common sense, a trait that many with a high IQ do not possess. IQ also does not rate how good of a person you are, your work ethic or how well you obey the law. It does not destine someone to a life of success any more than having a low IQ destines someone to a life of failure.

A very good point that often goes overlooked. Excepting cases of particularly high or particularly low intelligence, knowledge is simply far more useful than intelligence is.

1 point

Do IQ scores accurately define a person's intelligence and their ability to succeed in life?

Not in any given sense. The intelligence quotient test is a standardized test. Intelligence itself is also rather difficult to define. The IQ test doesn't really measure many type of intelligence we see everyday. For example musical intelligence, artistic intelligence, or even emotional intelligence. These aren't measured. The IQ test shouldn't be taken 100% seriously in all cases.

Should the study of race and IQ`s be banned, as some suggest?

No, one is free to study the subject, but it's nearly inapplicable to society.

Is it racist to define a race by their IQ?

Yes, it is. If Blacks score the lowest and we group them with the low IQ testers that quite racist since a Black person can score high and I'm positive many have.

Does having a low IQ doom you to a life of poverty?

I'm quite sure it doesn't.

1 point

Do IQ scores accurately define a person's intelligence and their ability to succeed in life?

Not necessarily, but there is a correlation.

Should the study of race and IQ`s be banned, as some suggest?

No. If we do, why don't we just ban any other type of research we're not comfortable with?

Is it racist to define a race by their IQ?

Depends. By "define a race", do you mean that the race is being judged based on IQ, or recognized as having a lower or higher average IQ than other races?

Does having a low IQ doom you to a life of poverty?

Not necessarily.

For race and IQ to matter, I think it would have to be definite. I mean absolute, as in every single person of race A would have to individually be smarter than every single person of race B. Or vice versa. There are both smart and dumb black people

And there are both smart and dumb white people. I'd go even further to say that this applies to gender, religion, etc. and that therefore, any of these isms like classism or even ableism are wrong on the same grounds.

There are so many counter examples to racism throughout history. It takes one counterexample to prove something wrong.

And if you could find any one scientifically verifiable way to do something like make black people melt, control girls, or something immature and stupid like that, it would have to ONLY work on that one race, gender, etc, but it would have to work which has never happened. Racists have tried and failed at this throughout history. I've even seen it tried before, once on myself but that's another story. They don't work is my point.

But if ONCE something like that worked, and there are attempts out there, and it could be proven that it only worked on per-assay Asians, it would be headline news ON FUCKING CNN AND FOX NEWS, and this debate would be very different.

Which is why I will provide my typical insult and say that this is a stupid debate.

ironman34698(235) Clarified
1 point

Is it stupid? Probably. However, it goes without saying that some may have been enlightened by the subject. This happens to be an opinion that some people actually have. There are people out there who believe that whites are superior to Latinos and Blacks simply because they have lower IQs ( on average). So, in essence, it is a stupid debate, a stupid subject but one that describes how some people feel, which is why I posed the questions. To show people just how stupid it is. Generalization of people by social class, religion ( or lack of one), race or gender is something that a lot of people do. Do I think it's stupid as well? Yes. Apparently, from what I hear from others, it does not go without saying.

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

Do you think that, although it would still be racism, that if it was used as a factor to predict how someone might act or talk, as opposed to how they will act or talk, that such belief would be more reasonable? Obviously, it would still be bullshit, but not compared to someone who says "whites are superior to blacks", etc. I mean, if the assumption based on higher IQ changed.

1 point

You said,

"Should the study of race and IQ`s be banned, as some suggest?"

Nah, I'd never agree with studies, I just don't feel we as a society shoudd fund them or put much faith in them.

"Is it racist to define a race by their IQ?"

Racism is found in intentions more so than by actions. What are you doing with that information? Categorizing it for rounded assumptions, or trying to decided who reigns, and or deserve whatever privileges/rights?

"Does having a low IQ doom you to a life of poverty?"

Sorry for the political joke, but a lot of our representatives are a perfect counter to that idea.

My opinions on race and IQ is this. These are generalizations, and they are good for few things, one thing they absolutely are not good for however, is accurate predictions of individual behavior. Maybe it's true that on average Asians are more intelligent than black people. This does not mean all of them are, and it also does not tell why. Opportunities for Asians to learn could be greater than opportunities for black people to learn. This is just one scenario of a potential many.

ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

Asians on average are only smarter because of their education system. There's still room for mentally retarded Asians, I get your admitting that. But thinking that way leads to making assumptions about people you don't know. And unless the assumptions are going to be 99.99% true out of all of the time, which they aren't, it's useless to have that in your way of thinking.

And by the way, black people are only dumber on average who grew up in Ethiopia, with the Ethiopian education system. The averages don't consider the bests and the worsts of the origin countries. They consider the bests or the worsts, depending on which race.

Likewise, it makes sense that if you did an actual study, and included masters degree holders of the best schools in South Africa, you'd get a better black person average. That is, especially if you include students of a "black engineers club" at any state university.

See what I'm saying? There's something with potential there, but I don't know how accurate these things are even as an average.

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

We're arguing the same position...

1 point

IQ is a repeatable test that can measure, to a degree, a primate's processing speed, reasoning, and problem solving.

IQ is not racist... Racism is the belief of superiority of ALL members on one race to ALL members of another. Asians are superior to other races (on average) with their IQ, but their bell curve distribution overlaps the other races... Therefore not ALL members are superior. Why would you ban a intelligence measuring tool?

IQ and income are related. Average income by race in the USA: 1 Asian 2 White 3 Black 4 Hispanic... Seems pretty similar to IQ with Black and Hispanic switched (likely due to the difficulty to earn income being an illegal immigrant - we should see a switch after immigration reform).

1 point

My mother has a 126; my father has a 134; and I have a 177 SD 15... Mutations may have been involved.

The argument of knowledge being more important than intelligence is self-defeating. You can have all the knowledge and not know how to apply it because you lack intelligence. Further, people with high IQs can learn very easily, quickly, and more effectively than that of a low IQ. What may take a low IQ a full semester to learn one subject may take a high IQ one month.

One kid who went to my college at 14 because he had a 220 IQ (he was also Asian).

I believe Asians have higher IQs because of the complexity of their writing and language, and, the intensity of their studies as children. Don't get me wrong I do know IQ is mainly something inherent, but scientist also believe that nature has a significant effect on IQ.

1 point

Native Africans have been shown to score just as well as a white person with the exception being the different materials on the test. For instance, scientist gave a Native African an IQ test and on the memory portion showed him a chess board with a few pieces mixed up across the board. The African did nit do so well in remembering the placement of the chess pieces. But when they replaced the chess pieces with different colors and shapes of rocks, he did significantly better.

Scientist believe the original IQ test was discriminatory because it was well-suited for whites and other races and ethnic groups could not relate to the questions because of their culture (for example, if the question was logic derived but was composed exclusively of a white cultural example, another race may have difficulty interpreting the question because it's not relatable (weird but true).

So, its not so much that blacks have the lowest its a matter of them only scoring the lowest.

There's plenty of thugs and gang members with high IQs, but one would never know because they are presumed to be stupid.

Furthermore, more whites take IQ test than blacks so the statistics are inaccurate.