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 should girls be allowed to were jeans so when they bend over you see there underwear (9)

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christopher8(171) pic

should girls be allowed to were jeans so when they bend over you see there underwear

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4 points

Should girls be allowed to were jeans so when they bend over you see there underwear

Of course they should be allowed to do this. Why shouldn't they?

1 point

I have to show off my tattoo some how.....

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1 point

should girls be allowed to were jeans so when they bend over you see there underwear?

YES! It is their body they can show it off as they please, unless of course we are talking about adolescents. =)

xander(438) Disputed
2 points

Hey, whoa, hang on a moment.

Adolescents- let's just define this as "teens"- are legal in all states.Sixteen year olds are legal in many states. It's okay to have sex, but not show your body? Overly sexual clothing isn't the problem, it's a symptom of a problem. "Not allowing" teenagers to do things doesn't work; I'm a highly intelligent, generally responsible teen, and while I generally agree with what my parents/authority figures say (many of the things they say make sense!), some don't.

For instance, why should I sacrifice wearing a tank top in the summer for comfort just because my mother's sensibilities are offended? "Not Allowing" it doesn't work, and I (like most teens), can judge the outcomes of my actions. Yes, occasionally I am hit on or judged or looked at in ways that make me uncomfortable, but I can handle it- I'm a big girl.

How do children become adults if they aren't allowed to make their own decisions? Are bans really the most effective way to go about doing things?

Side: Let's Call It High School
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

Well an adolescent can be 10 years old, which I find uncomfortable to see a 10 year old wearing jeans that when they bend over you can see there underwear. Since adolescents aren't necessarily teens, lets not define it as such.

I don't think its ok for a 10 year old or a 14 year old to be sexually active, they don't know the true risks involved. Overly sexual clothing is an attribute to the problem, making it a part of the problem as a whole. Nobody said it was all of the problem.

You are a highly intelligent teen, yet your opening sentence makes no sense at all.

Adolescents- let's just define this as "teens"- are legal in all states.Sixteen year olds are legal in many states.

Adolescents are legal in all states? Opposed to it being illegal to be in the age range of 10-18?

The debate isn't about tank tops, its about showing undergarments. That and the title says girls, which isn't a given age group only assuming that means under the age of 18. So I used adolescents as a term which is a wide age range, not only teenagers.

How do children become adults if they aren't allowed to make their own decisions? Are bans really the most effective way to go about doing things?

Right so lets let children do anything they want. Start off by giving them drugs, alcohol, and sex. What could go wrong? Nothing according to your logic, they would just be becoming adults at the age of 10 maybe?

Side: Let's Call It High School

No, they should be allowed to wear mini skirts so that when they bend over you see their underwear ;)

Side: Let's Call It High School
1 point

Your right it is their body I look at as a way of disrespectng your body I go to a school where you can't even walk down the hall without seein a butt crack. I have alot of respect for my body & my friends so if I see them walkin round like that I tell'em real quick get them pants up.

Side: Let's Call It High School
0 points

They should be not only allowed, but encouraged, provided they are of age.

Otherwise, let their parents deal with it.

Side: Must be 18
-1 points

Sure, as long as they are 18 years old or older.---------------

Side: Must be 18