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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 against (4)

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aquanashia(50) pic

should police officers do random searches on young boys


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 0
1 point

Why ?

Side: against
1 point

If the police have good reason to suspect them of something and are polite fair enough but too often its just an excuse for the police to be obnoxious to the youth, as a teenager I was constantly harassed by the police because of the way I dressed, up until that point I respected them but after being treated like a scumbag for walking down the street I realised they didn't respect me and thought why should I respect them

Side: against

Please, don't! This would be very bad for a guy like me who... well, you know.

Side: against
1 point

all of your points are true but if police officers did random searches the streets would be safer and less people would die due to gang banger's

Side: against
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