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should state test inpact the passing grade for a student?

state test like fcat for floridia or the taks for texas


Side Score: 5
Winning Side!


Side Score: 4

Yes it should! The FCAT system is now part of the "No Child Left Behind" program and helps educators to realize where their student need help. If you fail this test in the 10th grade, you have 5 more attempts in order to do so before graduating. I should think that would be enough time to accurately assess a student's flaws as the FCAT testing is done once yearly from the 3rd grade onward with alternating subject matter to alert teacher's to a student who may be failing.

I don't know how old you are since I have not looked at your profile, as yet, but I can see you are having a problem in English. Please get all the help you need in that subject since English is your second language, I believe. All students must be tested somehow during the school year but I, for one, should be grateful to the system that aids me in passing all my subjects so I can go on to a great school after graduation.

Supporting Evidence: Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (
Side: yes
hectormunoz(44) Disputed
1 point

It should not for one because it one way discurages a certain amount of student that are not good at taking exams and than it only helps those who are good at taking these type of test. like i know one of my friends has a 4.0 G.P.A and is in the top 5% of the senoir class and yet she has not passed the FCAT becuase it seems to be the only thing she cant do take tests and pass them. So i seem to know that its not fair for people like her, yes sure you may have passed your exams and may not care who eles seems to pass aswell but people who really try and do good in everything eles should not be judged by these test, and the so called good plan of no child left behind only seem to be helping those students that have not been going good in school and teachers just blindly just pass them to the next level knowing that those kids will only be sUffering even more and be more curaged to drop out and not try as hard any more.

As for me i think its that i just type too fast and than i just dont look up and check my spelling after I am done.

Side: No
1 point

Those students with a 4.0 G.A. had to pass every test they took as well so why not FCAT? Is FCAT a general knowledge test and not one you've necessarily been studying?

Side: yes
1 point

Unless something radical has happened in the two years since I was in high school standardized tests are ridiculously easy with the possible exception of the SAT and the ACT. And I feel qualified to make that very general statement, I've taken enough of them. The fact is those tests are designed to test the bare minimum. The material on them is designed to test whether or not a student has actually learned the minimum material to graduate from that school system. If a student is smart enough to have a 4.0 GPA then they shouldn't have any trouble at all with a minimum knowledge examination. If someone has such a serious case of test anxiety that they can't pass a standardized test then the classes are broken because that same anxiety should cripple them in everyday classes. It sounds to me that "test anxiety" is an excuse to cover up the fact that the teachers at a school put too much emphasis on busy work and not enough emphasis on testing the student's actual knowledge of the material.

Side: yes
1 point

Those state tests are easy for kids that pay attention. There are many students that make line drawings and shapes on the scantron-esque answer sheet because the score doesn't matter to them. Positive encouragement does work better than threats of bad grades though, especially for kids that already have low grades and little motivation.

Side: yes
1 point

no becuase they only seem to condamn those student with good grades and have the disabilty to be a bad test taker and than for those who have bad grades and are good test taker than they pass, that to me would not be consider fair for all students.

Side: No
1 point

I live in Texas and aced the TAKS test. I passed with flying colors and got commended, not to brag.

But I just don't see the point of state testing.

I can understand SAT and ACT collage stuff, but what is the point of TAKS? That's not rhetorical I seriously want to know.

I have some friends that did not graduate because they failed TAKS. Even though they where passing and had enough credits.

Not right.

However, I am looking forward to TAKS this year because I won't have to come. (:

Side: No