
Debate Info

video games are not good for c video games are good for child
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:34
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 video games are not good for c (4)
 video games are good for child (13)

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karandip(5) pic

video games are entertaning but have a negative act on children

video games are not good for c

Side Score: 6

video games are good for child

Side Score: 26
2 points

hi nicky i say yes


Side: video games are not good for c
2 points

i think that there should not be any violence in video games

Side: video games are not good for c

i agree with you because it is a fact that most scholl shotting are causeed because of a kid payying a violent video game actting like a charter (refference to call of duty)

Side: video games are not good for c
Braden(1) Disputed
1 point

OUTRAGEOUS! Think of the harm that would do!

Children would be unprepared for the real world! They would not know how to fight, to take a stand for their beliefs!

What about movies? Why stop at games? Movies, books, television! You're walking on think ice by banning violence in games.

Forget the children for just a second. Consenting adults who want to get a better look at wars or the world of criminal activity should be allowed to do so through their favorite medium. S why don't we just go ahead and ban breaking bad, the sopranos, get the gringo, street fighter, lord of the rings lord of the flies and everything else where people disagree?

Side: video games are good for child
1 point

Video games, while entertaining, often face scrutiny regarding their impact on children. Excessive gaming can lead to issues like reduced physical activity and social interaction. However, not all gaming is detrimental. Many games promote problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and teamwork. The key lies in moderation and guidance. Parents and educators play a crucial role in setting boundaries and encouraging a balanced approach to gaming. Like any form of entertainment, it's about responsible consumption. Just as the reputation of Golconda diamonds persists despite occasional flaws, understanding the balance in gaming can ensure children enjoy its benefits without succumbing to its potential drawbacks.

Side: video games are not good for c

I would say the educational games are good for children because they will also help the children learn faster. The violent ones are not good for them. I remember on the news I guess about 1 to 2 years ago, a child stole his parents keys and drove their brand new truck and then crashed in it. The news reporters ask the kid what gave him the idea to drive his parents truck and he said " Grand Thelf Auto. So then the parents took away ALL the violent games from their son, so he wouldn't ever think of something like that again. It's their fault for buying him games like that anyway. Some parents should wise up.

Side: video games are good for child
2 points

Video games are harmless as long as the child has a responsible parent that properly monitors their kid... but we all know that doesn't happen much any more.

Side: video games are good for child
3 points

Blame the video game for the kid being violent, blame McDonald's for the kid being fat.... blame everyone and everything except the parents... that's what it's come down to. Pathetic!

Side: video games are good for child
3 points

Welcome to the real world XD

You should see it over here in Britain: "Crumbs, the country's in debt, it can't be me withdrawing a ridiculously huge loan, I know let's blame it on the royal family for throwing a tea party the other day."

Side: video games are good for child
2 points

You clearly haven't read Joe's debate about the kid who saved his sisters life using skills he learnt from World of Warcraft.

Side: video games are good for child
Superdebater(10) Clarified
3 points

well for your info that will not really happen again i did the math and the chances of it happening a gain are.158345 percent of it ever happening again

Side: video games are not good for c
2 points

LOL! No, I must have missed that one... .

Side: video games are good for child
2 points

Read it, it's funny XD

Side: video games are good for child
2 points

I love video games, but this is mainly because I live in a very boring area. I think video games are a lot of fun, if you don't get too adicted to them. People that get addicted to them seem to get short tempers. Other side effects include pasty skin, loss of a social life, extreme laziness, burning eyes, greasy hair, and large amounts of snack wrappers and soda cans cluttered on top of bookshelves. A little bit of video games every few days is good.

Side: video games are good for child
2 points

Children are far more likely to die from playing sports than from playing video games.

Side: video games are good for child
2 points

there is nothing wrong with kids playing video games. There are also educational games.

Side: video games are good for child
1 point

Video games are awesome. if ya don' believe meh watch Vghs on youtube made by freddiew

Side: video games are good for child

Video games keep kids off the streets, however, parents should tell their kids never to emulate any violence in real life regarding what they see on those video games.

Side: video games are good for child